Friday, October 30, 2015

Community Based Instruction Idea List

Happy Halloween!! We had a "Harvest Festival" today to celebrate the occasion! There was a pumpkin decorating contest (we won the prize for cutest), face painting, a costume contest and lots and lots of dancing! It's hard to believe that we have 3 more weeks of work before the Thanksgiving break, then only 3 more weeks of work until Winter break. The year is just flying by!

I get a lot of emails asking for ideas on where I take our kids for CBI. Last night after answering another email I figured it might help out more folks if I posted the list I use, and linked it to the blog. These are the places in my community that I try to hit each school year. I understand that you may not have all of them where you live, and in all actuality you may have tons more if you live in a bigger city. Last year we were able to get to all of them except 5. Remember, we go out twice a week so it's not that difficult for me to achieve.

Here's the full list -----> CBI Idea List

I hope this helps!

Have a great Halloween,


  1. Are you really able to tour the airport? I would love to do this with my kids.

    1. We are! It's not a huge airport, but they show the kids around where you check in and they also show them the fire engine that can puncture holes in the planes in case of fire. Spray a little water, lol. Then we watch a couple planes take off or land.

  2. thank you for such a great list!
