Friday, May 30, 2014

Goals At A Glance

I would love to put a bulletin board up in my classroom next year that looks similar to the one here. Not just to remind myself, but also to help my aides, subs and fill-ins know what each students is working towards. Last year I wrote their goals, in few terms like here, on each of their notebooks where they write their morning message.  It was there to remind the aide at their table what we need to be working on.  I saw kids getting their books, writing in them, and putting them back without the goals ever being looked at all year.  I am hoping with this chart on the wall it will help to remind us where we need to continue giving support on a daily basis.  Has anyone else tried something like this?  Maybe I am hoping it will make my support staff more accountable in what they do for and with the kids. If it's on the wall where it can be seen everyday will it help remind them that Daniel needs to grab his own lunch? Will they remember that Thomas needs to practice saying "I want to use the bathroom" instead of "bathroom"? When Carly finishes her work early will they look up and see she needs to practice her Dollar Up Strategy and practice that with her? Am I grasping at straws? Am I being realistic? I don't know.  I had a lot of frustration this past year with this, and I am trying to find a solution that may work for us.  I would love your input.

P.S. I did get permission to do this from my boss, as I wanted to make sure I wasn't crossing any boundaries regarding confidentiality. 

Note* all students used in this scenario are fictitious.

Thank you,


  1. Hi, I am thankful to you for sharing this awesome article with this helpful knowledge.

  2. Thanks for the template that I am going to try to implement this year! I was thinking of incorporating the goals into my morning meeting: Today is Tuesday and I am working on..... Like that. To focus both the staff and the students. It is exciting as I have just gotten a new position at the High School and I am looking forward to using new tools!

  3. Where can I get the template?

  4. I really like this format....simple! I would love a copy of the template. Where can I obtain one? Thanks for your help!
