Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Superstore Shopping

We are very fortunate at my work to have the opportunity to go into the community on a weekly basis.  I have posted a few worksheets (Grocery Store Hunt, Pharmacy Hunt) in the past.  This week we were taking a trip to our local Target, so I came up with this worksheet that the students could use while we were there.  They had just enough time (1 hour) to find all 14 items on their list.  We went over all their finds when we returned to class.  I think the kids really enjoy having an actual activity to do when we go out, than to just walk around the stores.  I hope you can use this activity with your students.  If you email me your email address, I will send you one for FREE!!


  1. I wanted the work sheet for this "Superstore Shopping" but I forgot to send you my email

  2. Thanks Patty! I sent you a couple others that can be used for community outings as well. Have fun!

  3. I would love to have this worksheet! Such great ideas! Thank you.

  4. kids are learning about money and financial statements in math....i have planned to take them to a near by store to buy some items for a class party...they are all been split into groups of 5 kids and have contributed 300 Rs a result each group have managed to gather 1500 Rs as a team.........they have all planned what they are going to buy as each group has visited and the store and noted the price of the items which they are going to buy for the party.....i was hoping if you could send me an activity sheet sample or other suggestions how can i assess them..........i need to have a worksheet for my kids for a filed trip response....can you please send me some worksheets based on such activities......i need it urgent.thanx

  5. sorry i forgot to give you my e-mail id..........see how tensed i

  6. Hi Mehjabeen! I could try to work on something for you. What exactly are R's? Do you pay tax?


  7. I love your blog you have given me so many good ideas to use with my students.

  8. I stumbled onto your blog this summer and have found it interesting. I also am a high school transition teacher. I have the kids from freshman and then to 21 if they decide to go on. I would love any resources your willing to share with me. my email is

  9. Hi, just happened to be doing some google searches for grocery store activities and stumbled upon your blog a few times now. This is the first year for our middle school transition program and we also go out into the community frequently. I am going to continue exploring your blog, but if you are willing to share any other ideas for going out into the community or utilizing in the classroom, I would love to hear from you. I have a self-contained class with about 15 students with mild cognitive disabilities. Thanks so much!

  10. I enjoy these blogs and would love to try these activities with my middle school kids! thank you

  11. I enjoy these blogs and would love to try these activities with my middle school kids! thank you

  12. I would love to have a copy of anything you have (saw the superstore activity)! This next year I will be teaching our Essential Skills room for the first time. I am in charge of the CBI trips along with the day-to-day activities. This is the lowest ability level I have taught. I've been in the modified math class at the middle school level which seems like a whole other world right now! I am so overwhelmed and we just started summer break this week! Yikes. Thanks ahead of time for anything you send.

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